So after years and years of thoughts and ongoing conversations in the very middle of my mind I've decided to go for it and just let go of those million thoushts my head creates everyday, flush it down the Internet toilet and live a happy thoughtless and worryless life. Trends are being set, it's the time of now or never.
Not giving a fuck since 2018 is one of my New Year resolusions so I think with a little delay, here it begins. Me and my vision of life, me in this life and the mystery called the purpose or the goal of this whole theatre play has changed vastly since 2017. I can't really tell if it's growing up or did I just meet the right people one after another on my life path or is it just my analitical way of looking at life, but I feel there are some things I would like to share, with myself, with my family, my closest, my soulmates. I feel i know things, sometimes it even feels like a superpower, but that is a theory life will verify in time.
I feel that finally I found the direction I would like my life to move in, I don't know the goal yet and I don't have any know hows, but I am certainly sure that one day I will figure it out and the journey with the mindset I have achieved will be worth documenting. If not for the others than for myself. 
I wish for developing myself, my writing skills, my photoshooting skills and for most I wish for doing the things I always wanted to do, naming this little challange of posting things here regullary as my timetable and motivation. 
I must add it's not the first time I am starting that blog ride. As far as I remember I ve initiated this siteabout 3 years ago, still have this life breaking posts somewhare on my old pc.

And so, through all that time of writing I am fighting with this unrestrained sarcastic mimic on my face, where my mind says 'you know you'll never make it, what are you gonna write about huh ? save the effort' 

Yeah I am probbably not the first neither the last one that struggled with that inner voice of belief of it's own capabilities, nevertheless...
The thing is I ve decided lately is that 2018 will be the year of JUST DO IT rather that just plan it or just think about it and never get on to bussines
So here I am picking up the gauntlet, and you brain, you little motherfucker, better watch out, cause here I come I am crossing out the first letter from the blog word in my bucket list and this is the first of many missions that will take place at the time.

Just hold my pepsi , the story begins now
